Han-Hsing Tu (Assistant 2008.08–2009.07; Attentive 2009.08–2011.02; now in Cellopoint); M.S. Thesis: Regression Approaches for Multi-class Cost-sensitive Classification (related publications in ICML)
Dr. Te-Kang Jan (Assistant 2008.09–2010.07; Attentive 2010.08–2011.04; joint RA with Academia Sinica 2011.05–2014.05; Ph.D. from Virginia Tech; now in Amazon); M.S. Thesis: A Comparison of Methods for Cost-sensitive Support Vector Machines (related publications in KDD)
003. Ken-Yi Lin (Assistant 2008.09–2010.07; now in Delta IOT); M.S. Thesis: Data Selection Techniques for Large-scale RankSVM (related publications in TAAI)
Dr. Chao-Kai Chiang (Associate 2008.09–2013.12; co-advise with Dr. Chi-Jen Lu at IIS Sinica; Ph.D. from NTU; now in University of Tokyo); Ph.D. Thesis: Toward Realistic Online Learning (2014 TAAI Best Thesis Award; related publications in SODA, COLT, ACML)
Dr. Chia-Hsuan Wang (Active 2009.02–2010.06; Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins; now in RIKEN Center for Brain Science)
Chun-Sung Ferng (Active 2009.02–2010.06; Assistant 2010.07–2012.06; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: Multi-label Classification with Hard-/soft-decoded Error-correcting Codes (related publications in IEEE TNN)
Farbound Tai (Attentive 2009.05–2010.07; now in Facebook)
Joseph Wen (Active 2009.05–2010.06; now in Google)
Dr. Shang-Tse Chen (Active 2009.05–2010.06; joint RA with Academia Sinica 2011.07–2013.06; Ph.D. from Georgia Tech; now assistant professor at NTU)
Yao-Nan Chen (Active 2009.05–2010.06; Assistant 2010.07–2012.06; now in Appier); M.S. Thesis: Feature-aware Label Space Dimension Reduction for Multi-label Classification Problem (related publications in NeurIPS)
Po-Lung Chen (Active 2009.08–2010.06; Assistant 2010.07–2012.06; now in Instagram); M.S. Thesis: Active Learning for Multiclass Cost-sensitive Classification Using Probabilistic Models (related publications in TAAI)
Chen-Wei Hung (Assistant 2009.09–2011.08; now in AlpacaTech); M.S. Thesis: Multi-label Active Learning with Auxiliary Learner (related publications in ACML)
013. Yu-Xun Ruan (Assistant 2009.09–2011.08; now in Vivotek); M.S. Thesis: Studies on Ordinal Ranking with Regression (related publications in Information Retrieval)
014. Dr. Yi-Hung Huang (Associate 2009.10–2015.12; Ph.D. from NTU; co-advise with Dr. Chun-Nan Hsu at IIS Sinica); Ph.D. Thesis: A Study of Data Citation (related publications in ICDM, TAAI, PloS one)
Yu-Cheng Chou (Active 2010.03–2011.06; Assistant 2011.07–2013.07; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: Machine Learning Approaches for Interactive Verification (related publications in PAKDD)
Ku-Chun Chou (Assistant 2010.05–2013.07; now in Kabam); M.S. Thesis: Pseudo-reward Algorithms for Linear Contextual Bandit Problems (related publications in ACML)
Kuan-Sung Huang (Active 2010.05–2011.06; joint RA with Academia Sinica 2013.07–2015.06; now in Facebook)
018. Wei-Yuan Shen (Active 2010.05–2011.06; Assistant 2011.07–2013.07; now in Microsoft); M.S. Thesis: Active Sampling of Pairs and Points for Large-scale Linear Bipartite Ranking (2013 TAAI Best Thesis Award; related publications in ACML)
Ya-Hsuan Chang (Active 2010.06–2011.06; Assistant 2011.07–2013.07; now in Bridgewell); M.S. Thesis: Study on Contextual Bandit Problem with Multiple Actions (related publications in TAAI)
Chun-Yen Ho (Active 2010.07–2012.06; Assistant 2012.07–2014.06; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: Contract Bridge Bidding by Learning (related publications in Workshop on Computer Poker and Imperfect Information @ AAAI)
Dr. Chun-Liang Li (Active 2011.01–2012.06; Assistant 2012.07–2013.07; joint RA with Academia Sinica 2013.08–2014.07; Ph.D. from CMU; now in Apple/University of Washington); M.S. Thesis: Condensed Filter Tree For Cost Sensitive Multi-Label Classification (2013 TAAI Best Thesis Award; related publications in ICML)
022. Yi-Wen Huang (Active 2011.06–2012.06; Assistant 2012.07–2012.09)
023. Han-Jay Yang (Active 2012.02–2012.06; Assistant 2012.07–2014.06; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: A Practical Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Preference-Based Learning to Rank (related publications as Best Paper Award of TAAI 2015)
Dr. Kuan-Hao Huang (Active 2012.06–2014.06; Assistant 2014.07–2016.06; Ph.D. from UCLA; now assistant professor at TAMU); M.S. Thesis: Cost-sensitive Label Embedding for Multi-label Classification (2016 TAAI Thesis Award Honorable Mention; related publications in MLJ: ECML journal track, ICDM)
Yi-An Lin (Active 2013.02–2014.01; Assistant 2014.02–2016.01; now in Microsoft); M.S. Thesis: Cyclic Classifier Chain for Multilabel Classification (related publications in DSAA)
Sheng-Chi You (Assistant 2013.07–2015.06; now in Synopsys); M.S. Thesis: Dynamic Unlearning for Online learning on Concept-drifting Data (related publications in PAKDD)
027. Meng-Huan Yu (Active 2013.08–2014.12; now in Google)
Yu-Ping Wu (Active 2013.08–2014.01; Assistant 2014.02–2016.01; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: Progressive Random k-Labelsets for Cost-Sensitive Multi-Label Classification (related publications in MLJ: ACML journal track)
Dr. Yu-An Chung (Active 2013.08–2016.06; Ph.D. from MIT; now in Meta Research)
Dr. Wei-Ning Hsu (Active 2013.08–2014.06; Ph.D. from MIT; now in Meta Research)
032. Hsuan-Li Ren (Active 2013.08–2014.01)
Hong-Min Chu (Active 2014.02–2015.06; Assistant 2015.07–2017.07; now a PhD student at UMD); M.S. Thesis: Dynamic Principal Projection for Cost-sensitive Online Multi-label Classification (related publication in MLJ: ECML journal track)
Yu-Jeng Fang (Active 2014.02–2016.07; now in Bloomberg)
Yu-Lin Tsou (Active 2014.02–2015.01; Assistant 2015.02–2017.07; now in Microsoft); M.S. Thesis: Annotation Cost-sensitive Active Learning by Tree Sampling (2017 TAAI Thesis Award Honorable Mention; related publications in MLJ: ACML journal track)
037. Kuo-Hsuan Lo (Assistant 2014.04–2017.01; now in mcFallout); M.S. Thesis: Cost-sensitive Encoding for Label Space Dimension Reduction Algorithms on Multi-label Classification (2017 TAAI Thesis Award Honorable Mention; related publications in TAAI)
Shao-Chuan Lee (Active in Open Source Track 2014.07–2015.07, now in Google)
039. Chin-Huang Lin (Active 2014.07–2017.06)
041. Si-An Chen (Associate 2020.09–2024.10; Attentive 2019.06–2020.08; Assistant 2016.07–2018.06; Active 2014.12–2016.06); Ph.D. Thesis: Effective Utilization of Auxiliary Information Over Attention-Based Models; related publications in TMLR and NeurIPS; M.S. Thesis: Improving Deep Reinforcement Learning with Uncertainty-Based Interaction with Experts (co-advise with Prof. Masashi Sugiyama at University of Tokyo; 2018 TAAI Best Thesis Award; related publications in MLJ: ECML journal track; now in Google)
Hsien-Chun Chiu (Assistant 2015.07–2017.10; Active 2014.12–2015.06; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: Multi-label Classification with Feature-aware Cost-sensitive Label Embedding (related publications in TAAI)
044. Cheng-Yu Hsieh (Assistant 2016.02–2018.07; Attentive 2018.08–2019.09; now a Ph.D. student at UWashington); M.S. Thesis: A Deep Model with Local Surrogate Loss for General Cost-sensitive Multi-label Learning (related publications in AAAI)
Yu-Shao Peng (Assistant 2016.07–2018.07; now in HTC DeepQ); M.S. Thesis: Exploring Sparse Features in Deep Reinforcement Learning towards Fast Disease Diagnosis (2018 TAAI Thesis Award Honorable Mention; related publications in NeurIPS)
Boyo Chen (Assistant 2016.07–2018.07; now in UTokyo); M.S. Thesis: Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation With Specialized Convolutional Neural Network (related publications in KDD, Weather and Forecasting)
Yu-Ting Chou (Active 2016.07–2018.07; Assistant 2018.08–2020.08; now in Kronos); M.S. Thesis: A New Surrogate Loss Framework for Complementary Learning (co-advise with Prof. Masashi Sugiyama at University of Tokyo; 2020 TAAI Best Thesis Award; related publications in ICML)
Chia-You Chen (Active 2017.03–2018.07; Assistant 2018.08–2020.08; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: Improving Meta-Learning by Regularized Pre-training (related publications in Workshop on Meta-Learning @ NeurIPS)
I-Ting Chen (Assistant 2017.07–2019.08; now in HTC DeepQ); M.S. Thesis: Improving Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Representative Selection Techniques (related publications in Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning @ ECML/PKDD)
Kuen-Han Tsai (Assistant 2017.07–2019.10; now in Google); M.S. Thesis: Learning from Label Proportions with Consistency Regularization (related publications in ACML)
Chien-Min Yu (Active 2017.07–2018.07; Assistant 2018.08–2020.08; now in Cubist); M.S. Thesis: Learning Key Steps to Attack Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents (related publications submitted)
Chun-Yi Tu (Active 2017.07–2019.02; now in Verizon)
053. Jyun-Gu Ye (Associate 2018.02–2019.06)
054. Wei-I Lin (Assistant 2021.08–2023.06; Active 2018.02–2021.07; now in Appier) M.S. Thesis: Reduction from Complementary-Label Learning to Probability Estimates (related publications in PAKDD)
Ching-Yuan Bai (Active 2018.08–2021.08, now a PhD student at UCLA)
057. Wei-Chao Cheng (Assistant 2019.03–2021.07, now in Synopsys); M.S. Thesis: From SMOTE to Mixup for Deep Imbalanced Classification (related publications in TAAI)
Sheng-Feng Wu (Assistant 2019.07–2021.12; now in Qualcomm); M.S. Thesis: Improving Clustering Uncertainty-weighted Embeddings for Active Domain Adaptation (related publications in TAAI)
060. Chi-Chang Lee (Assistant 2019.12–2021.02)
Ashesh (Attentive 2020.01–2021.06; now a Ph.D. student at MPI)
Chi-Fan Lo (Active 2020.02–2022.06; now a MSCS student at CMU)
Li-Heng Lin (Active 2020.06–2022.06; now a MS student at Stanford)
Yu-Chu Yu (Assistant 2020.04–2023.01; now in Dcard); M.S. Thesis: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Source Label Adaptation (related publications in CVPR; 2023 TAAI Best Thesis Award)
Oscar Chew (Assistant 2021.07–2023.06; now in ASUS); M.S. Thesis: Understanding and Mitigating Spurious Correlations in Text Classification (related publications in EACL)
069. Hsin-Kai Lin (2021.07–2024.01)
070. Ming-Hsin Chen (Active 2021.07–2023.09; now in Google)
071. Feng-Yi Wang (Active 2021.09–2022.09)
074. Cheng-Ying Chang (Active 2022.02–2024.01)
075. Hsiu-Hsuan Wang (Active 2022.10–2024.03)
076. Nai-Xuan Ye (Active 2022.10–2024.12)
080. Yu-Wen Pao (2023.01–2024.07)
082. Abdullah Yusuf Kavranoğlu (Attentive 2023.05–2023.06; visited from Caltech)
084. Odo To (Active 2023.08–2024.01)
085. Yi-Jie Cheng (Active 2023.10–2023.12)
089. Jayden Lin (Active 2024.06–2024.08)
090. Rebecca Huang (Active 2024.06–2024.08)